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Cineteca Nacional de Chile

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16th Biennial of Media Arts

Within the framework of the 16 Bienal de Artes Mediales, Centro Cultural La Moneda invites you to visit Trueno, an exhibition inspired by the poem “What the thunder said”, by T.S. Elliot, whose words make us think about the silence after the irruption of thunder. This version of the Biennial delves into the memory and introspection experienced after an event of those characteristics through the constant exercise of memory, exploring its intangible and ephemeral nature.

Curated by Maya Errázuriz and Ricardo Loebell, Bienal de Artes Mediales celebrates its 30 years of existence with a series of activities in different cultural and urban spaces in Santiago, and on various digital platforms. Thus, in the Wiphala space and in the main entrances of CCLM, works by the artists Mauricio Román and Lucien Bitaux, the visual communication project Mercvria (Antonia Taulis) and an infographic and editorial section of the Biennial are presented where Corporación Chilena de Video (CChv) acts as mediator.

About the Biennial

Bienal de Artes Mediales de Santiago is an exhibition and research gathering dedicated to the intersection between arts, sciences, technologies and society, which has been held since 1993 in the city of Santiago de Chile. It was created by the Chilean Video Corporation (CChV) under the direction of the artist, theorist and teacher Néstor Olhagaray. Since then, it has established itself as a reference for understanding the development of media arts in Chile and the world, offering a space for reflection for those practices that experiment with analogue and digital mediums, languages ​​and tools.

About the curators
  • Maya Errázuriz (Santiago, 1990) holds a degree in Art History and Architecture with a minor in Visual Arts from Boston University (Massachusetts, United States). Her work is focused on art and ecology applied to nature conservation strategies. She has participated as guest writer for various publications; It is worth highlighting within her most recent curatorial practice: “Árboles torcidos” (Galería UC Temuco and CENTEX Valparaíso); “Vegetation under power” (Bauhaus Dessau Foundation, co-curated together with her colleagues from Bauhaus Lab 2021) and “Naturaleza expandida” (CCLM), together with Carlo Rizzo. She currently works as art and publications director at Fundación Mar Adentro.
  • Ricardo Loebell (Santiago, 1954) is a computer engineer, psychotherapist consultant and holds a Ph.D. from the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main. His specialization and research area is the aesthetic mediation between audiovisual arts, literature, curatorship, art history and philosophy.

About the exhibitors
  • Mauricio Román Miranda (Valparaíso, 1978). Media artist, hacker and computational poet with an interest in the development of creative proposals and shared knowledge between the interrelationships of art-science-nature through technology. He develops his work through the practice of creative computer code, investigating computer generated audiovisual possibilities in real time. He is currently co-creator of Rstart, a proposal that studies the interrelational paradigm between art and science from the computational poetics of data as stories. Since 2003 he has been co-director of Espacio-G, a nomadic art and criticism platform between the city of Valparaíso and the multiverse of the WWW. He has exhibited his work in independent art spaces, hacklabs, galleries and national and foreign museums (Casa 13, Córdoba, Argentina; 9ª Bienal de Artes Mediales, MAC, Santiago, Chile; Ateliê 397, São Paulo Brazil; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, USA; Box Populi Gallery, NY, USA).
  • Mercvria is a visual communication agency founded in Santiago de Chile by Antonia Taulis in 2019. The base project is a mural magazine whose purpose is to generate collective thought based on common causes, with emphasis on political and spiritual ideas, to be disseminated in the streets.
  • Lucien Bitaux (France, 1995) initiated Scoposcopy, a discipline that seeks to represent imperceptible dimensions. His focus is based on the manufacture of his own tools. Since 2020, he has been directing a thesis on artistic creation co-directed by Nathalie Delbard and Melik Ohanian, which inscribes astronomical visualization and contemporary photographic experimentation in a common iconographic field: the exploratory imagery. During exhibitions and conferences he discusses these topics with many artists and scientists, such as Joan Fontcuberta or the astrophysicist Jean-Philippe Uzan.


October 4 to November 26, 2023
Tuesday to Sunday | 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Level -3
Free access

Julius von Bismarck, Talking to Thunder, 2017 (video still) © Julius von Bismarck, VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2023



